Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fun Days!

Last weekend the kids and I had lots of fun. First on Friday I videoed Hunter Jumping and crashing his bike in every concievable way ( as you can see in the video). He loves that stuff as much as me! On Saturday the kids and I went with Brett and his oldest son, Kelton, down to Knolls (40 miles east of Wendover), to ride our ATV's and motorcycles. It was some really good riding and we had tons of fun except Hunter's chain broke on his four-wheeler, so he had to ride on the back of Sydney and I on my four-wheeler. Then on the way home we stopped at Layton Surf-N-Swim and swam for a while. We finished the weekend up with diner at my parents on Sunday where i brought a deer roast I had cooked, it was delicious! We are now gearing up for this weekend and the following week, which is all about the Princess Sydney. Next Wednesday is her B-day, but we are starting the festivities on Friday with Disney's Princess on Ice, then Saturday she has a dance competion at Weber State, where she is dancing to "Mambo #5" (video to come). Then comes birthday parties with both families and friends, Marci is in charge of the Easter egg hunt at Perry City, then we are off to St. George for Easter and more motorcycle riding. So watch for more pics and videos to come.

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